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The world is silent
No knock of hands on wooden door
No footsteps sound across the floor
I lay awake, awake too long
Last night endless once more.

The world is darkness
No sun or moon in winter sky
No way to see the girl beside
I lay awake, awake too long
My mind, very much alive

The world is viscious
No hiding from the daylight fears
No running from the pain that sears
I lay awake, awake too long
Despair, once more, brings tears

The world is lonely
No waking of girl beside my form
No way without her angry scorn
I lay awake, awake too long
My heart, no longer warm

The world is pointless
No reason for my soul to writhe
No reason for the tears I've cried
I lay awake, awake too long
By now, decided, I wish I'd died