Did you speak to me this morning?
I'm sure, as I lay here,
The glaze of last night my only vision
That you spoke to me before you left.
I must go
I'm in the wrong
It's not you, it's me
This isn't where I belong
This isn't me.
My heart skips
This one night stand meaning more
Holding more than one sexual interaction
Blood freezing - I'd scored, and lost
Or had I?
You must go
I'm in the wrong
It's not you, it's me
This isn't where you belong
This just isn't me.
My brow creases
Alcoholic haze unveiling more
Showing more than one uttered exasperation
Breath freezing - I'd spoken and lost
So I had.
Did you speak to me this morning?
I'm sure, as I lay here,
The haze of last night's alcohol leaving my vision
That you cried before you left.