Every Teen Needs His Porn – Doofah
Well, I just learnt to play the poison version, thought I might as well parody this too 😉
Well, I just learnt to play the poison version, thought I might as well parody this too 😉
A request – Write a poem about a toilet bowl…
A request – Write a poem about a small pubic hair stuck at the back of your throat…
A request – Write a poem about a banana flavoured condom…
A woman who knows all the tricks… 😉
I wish something would change soon, really… even when things seem so good, even when I feel ready to face the world…
Its kind of a song / interludey piece I came up with, I like it, it’s a feeling you know… Something wonderful enters your life, bringing with it a million gifts, and you feel inadequate to compensate… "Yes I love you, yes I want you, but i know I ran out already"
Sometimes I wish I’d never given myself before, saving myself for one person. Though in reality without the pain, the struggles and fighting that make up failed relationships, I wouldn’t be who I am now – and she wouldn’t want me anyway… but still, I wish she was my first love… That I could offer something untainted
I’m not bitter about what we had… More bitter about what she wants to keep even now. The lyric is crap, the song idea itself, wish I’d allowed music uploads 😛 is good