The Snap of Insanity
[watches you silently]
[watches you silently]
Repetitive patterns of emotional disturbance…
I deliberately stepped out of life once, not too long ago. And then… for some reason, when I thought I was stepping back into it, my heart wide open for the oncoming world… I realised I wasnt… I stepped back further, life by proxy, through the firewall of soul protecting cynicism, cleaned up by the anti-cynicism firewall…. But where do I stand? Do I take a step forward? Back into the world of protected, walled in me? Or two steps and get slaughtered?
[smiles] go where you’re comfortable doofah, and stop trying to be all things to all men (and women!). Looking for my niche… has anyone seen it?
Rant… [nods] what else can I say?
Lol, poor sam got disconnected, had to attack 🙂
For sam hehe, she wanted a poem about choccy
Inspired by Bekahs beautiful piccy at
Not much to say, close your eyes, remember the poem and see what it means to you… based mostly on those moments in the night when you’re sure you’re about to expire, those dreams when you have, and those seconds following an accident when you should have 😉