A Kind of Diary


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I believed in fate In belief, and in faith I trusted my instincts And believed I was safe Over hurdle, through failure Past the troubles and pain I’d raise my head slowly And do it over again I believed in a reason In a purpose and in chance And so I stood my ground firmly… Read More »Belief

I Heard That

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I heard that. The conotation of your words The intonation of your voice The implication of your gesture But I am wrong You say. The lines cannot be read Let alone the space between look at me, look at me Remember me, talk to me The lines cannot be read As they grow across your… Read More »I Heard That

And then…

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Frowning The faller finds his feet Glancing over the horizon Listening to the past Tasted, the future Nodding The stander finds his path Leaning into the winds Marching towards the goal Deserted, his past Smiling The walker finds his home Basking in the warmth Relaxing in the calm Accepted, his defeat

Not A Bully

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I know, its an old story, and I run the risk of repeating others – I have to admit that I wrote this a long time ago, but I only rediscovered it today. It’s pants really :p


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Its 2am. Another sleepless night. This time, I thought I’d write about it though, of course with a little writers freedom. My partner isn’t dead 🙂 The visions are a reality though. Fear for me?

The Storm

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I feel cleansed Harsh rain descending Cold wind driving huge drops Minute oceans assaulting Dripping, clothes clinging Embraced by the storm A fleeting romance Ice cold hands caress Desperate arms hold tight Steel-strong and reassuring Touching, hand holding Adored by the storm A cry of triumph Swollen chest exhales Thunderous vocals wooing Believed voice promising… Read More »The Storm


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What am I holding on to? What hope does cling like tar Unclean, melting onto my form Allowing impurity to stick Feathers of the mocking bird Grit from the impassible route Stuck, forever like scars Am I clinging on? Or does it cling to me. What am I holding on to What hope does cling… Read More »Clinging


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I cannot look at you Your pleading eyes and false smile Acceptance a luxury I cannot afford Away I walk, away for a while To… Read More »Unforgiven

For Now

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Some problems don’t go away, some do. But we only ever pretend to forget.