It’s been with me a while – and its scary, comes in bouts almost crippling, and then they give you drugs… weird drugs, that stop you feeling, almost… maybe they just stop you crying?? Then, explain this…
It’s been with me a while – and its scary, comes in bouts almost crippling, and then they give you drugs… weird drugs, that stop you feeling, almost… maybe they just stop you crying?? Then, explain this…
Want to know how crazy I am?
Want to know what the hell is wrong with me?
Why I drop and cry for no reason??
Me too.
Ever felt this way?
Ever felt this way?
The ugliest side of my nature, coupled with my own creativity is the perfect recipe for disaster… I’ve known this for years, but only now realised the true depth of the problem.
Too many things go wrong, theres too much bad luck for it to be coincidence… I believe some people simply attract it
Long nights, cold empty thoughts…
And in anger the words gushed from his mouth, each syllable a direct hit….
I think this one shed it’s meaning 🙁
A short comparison