Often forgotten feelings
For the record
For the record
Everyone can play this one!!
Supposed to bring a wry smile. Depends on your wife I guess 😉
Well what can I say – it didn’t happen, but I suddenly felt like it will one day.
Day two of being pissed off in my office 🙂
The sun is shining, they’re having wonderous fun outside, and I’m baking in my office…
It’s a confused world we live in. Governed by rules which are imposed on us from every aspect of life. The worst rules are the one’s you make for yourself – I’m never going to let myself love again, I’m never going to leave this person, I’m never going to eat another chocolate bar… Why the worst? Because you make them only to make you feel better at that moment, regardless of the pleasure you may miss tomorrow, especially, if like me, you’re stubborn and won’t ever break them.