
Mirror Mirror

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A rhymer? MY GOSH! But it works, I like this one – did you ever look at yourself in the morning, not quite sure of where you are in life? Staring into your eyes and not really knowing if you see whats really there… Wondering if other people see the same, or even close? Do your shoulders sag? No not in the mirror. Do your eyes look dull and lifeless, never in the mirror… the mirror is a great liar. Oh dear, distrust issues again!!! 😉

For Adam.

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He’s so big now!! I need to show you all pics 🙂 [sniff] my baby growing up.

For Daddies

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[smiles] not much to say. As a parent, no matter where life leads you, there’s always at least one thing to stand back and love. I love my children more than anything, and I love being their dad just as much. Something to hold at the front of your mind on those cold bleak nights, it’s not that bad, cos tomorrow, they’ll still be there…

I Think Not.

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My thoughts are with all involved. Please stay safe everyone.

What Is Left?

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Don’t count your chickens before they hatch, don’t carry all your eggs in one basket. Never take sweets from xenomorphs


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BANG! It’s what it’s all about The crater you leave behind The trail of your passing Your impact in anothers mind? Your actions blazing through darkened skies Trailing purpose, meaning and reason A million eyes watching, envious, awestruck eyes Amazed at impending conclusion That crashing boom of impact The twisting of fiber, subtance The explosion… Read More »BANG!

Happy Separation

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Okay so I’m working on some twisted cards, to really stick the boot in on people, "Happy Absent Fathers Day" and "Happy Divorce" etc… this one is my latest, for "Happy Separation".