So this would be my first convention of any kind in a long time - over 10 years. There was so much to arrange.
We had no idea where we were going, where we were parking, had left at 4am to drive down and get the early entry, we weren't staying over as we had planned to do in future cons, and I was still finishing costumes at 2am.
So 4am we piled into the car, people running in and out like ants on drugs, ferrying stuff back and forth. Drove 5 miles to another town to pick up 2 more people, and off we went to Manchester (from Darlington).
Long slow journeys are the worst. Especially when you're driving after 90 minutes sleep. We did however make it safely! Only to discover that the Jacket I was wearing for my Hawkeye Cosplay was still at home, over 200 miles away, getting a good night's sleep of its own. Shit.
Never mind! I'd spent 2 weeks flat out on an Ezio Auditore da Firenze costume for Addy, and I wasn't about to let my failure ruin his day. I was wearing a black shirt, I could be badass hawkeye instead (always the plan if it got too hot in there).
After 30 mins of faffing and struggling and stretching and some whining. Adam looked awesome. His costume was a little awkward in places, I could have used an arsenal of safety pins and velcro, but he looked excellent.

So we walked out of the multistorey car park, out into the street, and posed for the camera - the poor unfortunate bus driver driving past had a mild coronary
Worth sacrificing my own costume for. [sob]
The girls were all done primping, and Reecey Stark was pretty much set as we set off in search of who knows where... Mobile phone out, GPS for the conve... Battery dead.
The battery had blown out on my phone, using the car charger had overcharged it and POP. No photos for me then. What the hell.
"LOOK A BIG GREEN CROCODILE!" Yelled Charley. Well, it was a lead at least. We started following the croc. Unsure of our destination, or how to get back to the car later. Worryingly.
Eventually, it looked like we had the right place:
And so... the day began in ernest! Check out these awesome cosplays!
By the way, if you find yourself here, give me your name / tag / url and I'll link the image to you 🙂
- DUDE!!! LOOK AT THAT!!! Mitch got in a photo too!
- So we walked out of the multistorey car park, out into the street, and posed for the camera – the poor unfortunate bus driver driving past had a mild coronary
- Approaching the Convention
- Hot hot Ivy